Friday, July 2, 2010

Seeno Attacks Mayor (remember 2007 election?)

It is unfortunate that the Seeno Corporation has withdrawn its application for a vesting tentative map rather than live up to its verbal commitment to the City Council. Here's what hapened: After the Council voted to deny the project, Seeno approached the council to have the denial reconsidered and the Council adopted a resolution with stipulations for a specific plan, development agreement and new EIR. Seeno agreed verbally and by a general letter in order to have Council "stay" the denial. That was and is their agreement. When the council asked for detailed written assurances from Seeno that they would live up to that verbal and general letter agreement, Seeno withdrew their application.

Why now? Because next year is an election year. It apears that they don't want a strong Mayor who stands up to Seeno. They don't want a Mayor who insists on protecting the hills, air and water, and avoid big-time traffic increases. And they don't want a Mayor who asks for assurances in writing. As your Mayor, I believe that requiring Seeno to stick to their word is what is best for the City. We negotiated in good faith and they have chosen to withdraw.

Seeno says that my reciting newspaper accounts detailing the Seeno Corporation's violation of grading ordinances, Endangered Species Act, Clean Water Act and numerous air pollution violations is slanderous. Really? Read their letter and stay tuned for more attacks and campaign fodder.