Monday, March 28, 2011

CSC Lecture-Workshop Series

The Community Sustainability Commission has worked hard to make this lecture-workshop series possible and would love to have your full participation in this FREE series.
This is a working collaboration with Solano Community College. Here's the series at one glance.

Stewards of our Children's Future: 2011
for Ecologic and Economic health
+ Community Resilience
Free Public lecture-workshop series

April 12, Tuesday, 7-9PM,
Dona Benicia Room, Benicia Public Library150 E. L St
Local, Regional, National, Global Sustainability, Multiple SCC Faculty
What does Sustainability really mean? This term is used in many different ways and its meaning varies depending on context and culture. We will discuss this concept and its social, political, economic and environmental implications

April 26, Tuesday, 7-9PM,
Heritage Presbyterian Church, 1400 E 2nd St
Understanding Climate Change: An Overview, Dr Betsy Julian, Dean, Math and Sciences, SCC:
We will examine how greenhouse gases are warming the Earth’s atmosphere and explore some of the possible consequences of this change in global temperature. Alterations in precipitation, wind, and temperature patterns, as well as changes in sea level will be discussed.

May 10, Tuesday, 7-9PM,
Dona Benicia Room, Benicia Public Library,150 E. L St
Climate Action Plan and Benicia, Community Sustainability Commissioners, Paul Fair, SCC
*An overview of Climate Action Planning; What greenhouse gases (GHG) are measured; The Emission Reduction Focus Areas and the objectives and strategies to reduce GHG.

May 24, Tuesday, 7-9PM,
Heritage Presbyterian Church, 1400 E 2nd St
You don't have to suffer to be green: Conservation of energy, water and waste, Pam Muick, the Environmental Science:
Our Conservation topic will address the top free and low-cost actions to reduce PG&E and water bills and minimize landfill space. Making specific small changes in your daily or weekly routine can reduce your carbon footprint and increase your environmental sustainability within weeks! This evening’s presentation will include case histories from the SCC Environmental Science class.

June 7, Tuesday, 7-9PM,
Heritage Presbyterian Church, 1400 E 2nd St.
Where are the Green Jobs? Paul Fair, SCC
Overview of the current opportunities that exist across a wide range of industries and the expected future or growth of the various careers. In addition, we will discuss the educational, and experiential requirements of the differing career fields along with the job responsibilities that are expected.
The final major topic will be to investigate the educational opportunities that exist for educating and training our future Sustainable or Green professionals for participation in a rapidly evolving and transitioning "Green" economy.

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