Sunday, January 4, 2009

Looking for Good People

A recent Benicia Herald news story about ways to get involved in your community described city committees, boards and commissions as one way. How can you apply for openings on the following boards and commissions? Click on the link below or go to to the heading "Government & Officials" -Boards, Committees and Commission Openings.

Openings and Application for downloading

Sky Valley Open Space Committee meets about every 3rd month or more often as needed. Guest speakers are invited to discuss a range of topics from watershed management, public access, land use, Lake Herman Road and surrounding areas and sundry other issues as they related to Sky Valley. If you want to hep permanently protect Sky Valley from urban development (or intense rural development) this is the committee for you. There is an opportunity to use the Good Neighborhood Steering Committee and Valero settlement money for buying conservation easements. One full term to 2013 is open.

Civil Service Commission is responsible for hearing and making final determinations on personnel related appeals and to certify its findings and recommendations. Other duties include advising the City Manager and City Council on matters related to recruitment processes and personnel rules.
Meetings: Third Tuesday of every month at 6:30 pm in the Commission Room.

Open Government Commission advises the City Council and provides information to other City departments and bodies on appropriate ways in which to implement the Sunshine Ordinance or Title 4, Open Government, with a priority on simple, standard procedures. The ordinance provides rules for how city meetings are noticed to the public, and access to information. The ordinance expands the public's rights for meeting notice, minutes and timely city response to requests for documents and records (that are not protected by state law).

One of the key challenges of the Commission is to act as a conduit between the city and the public regarding meetings, minutes, information and help in navigating city appeals. The Commission also may propose amendments to the City Council of the Ordinance as needed, and reporting to the City Council on any practical or policy problems encountered in the administration of the Ordinance.
There is one full term open to 2013.
2009 Meetings: Jan. 27; March 24; July 28 (tentative); Oct. 27 (tentative)

Library Board of Trustees is responsible for making and enforcing rules, regulations and bylaws necessary for the administration, government and protection of the public library. There are two full terms to 2012.
Meetings: Second Monday of each month at 6:30 pm at the Library.

Finance, Audit and Budget Committee shall advise the City Council on matters of financial importance to ensure the accurate reporting and long range fiscal stability of the City including keeping tract of the budget and the state of the economy. While the committee makes no budget policy decisions, they are the "light house" for monitoring the budget and reporting to the Council with recommendations for potential policy needs.
Meetings: Friday following the first Council Meeting of each month at 8:00 am in the Commission Room.

We need your interest, skills and time for these important committees. Major initiatives or recommendations often begin here. Help influence the direction of the city by volunteering for one of the openings posted above.

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