Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Survey - we want your opinion

We want your opinion about city budget solutions. Take a survey! The following introduction explains the survey available by clicking on the link below. After you take the survey of which services you think are important and which services could be cut, you may want to make other recommendations. Unfortunately the survey does not provide for comments. Please feel free to click on the "comments" link at the bottom of this post and make your comments.

The City of Benicia wants to know what your priorities are for City services. While the City has fared well during the first two years of the economic recession, City revenues dropped sharply this year and are not expected to return to previous levels soon. This revenue decline impacts the City’s ability to support the current level of services.

This survey of community priorities will help ensure that we know what the community values most and enable us to tailor our spending in ways that match community priorities.

Thank you for taking the time to answer the questions in the survey. Working together, we will make the best decisions possible.

Your answers to the questions below will tell us about the importance of a list of services provided by the City of Benicia. Please note that only services, programs and facilities funded from the General Fund are listed.

Click on the following link to take the survey:

1 comment:

ek said...

Until we are in a better economic environment with more stable funding sources, why don't you consider using, as a temporary measure, more volunteer staff to perform routine administrative and other non-technical work that needs to get done in the city. Staff that are currently performing those tasks could be reassigned to focus on the most critical and technically challenging needs in the community. I know there are community volunteers that currently work in the library, police department and fire stations, but feel that this could be expanded to cover other departments/functions within the city.